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How to save energy and reduce emissions in refrigerators?

After the Solar freezers water enters the evaporator, part of the refrigerant water vapor is first flashed out due to the pressure reduction. Because the evaporator is a spray type heat exchanger, the amount of spray is many times larger than the amount of evaporation, so most of the refrigerant water is collected in the water pan of the evaporator.
Then it is boosted by the refrigerant water pump and then sent to the spray pipe of the evaporator, and sprayed onto the outer surface of the tube cluster through the nozzle. After absorbing the heat of the refrigerant water flowing through the pipe, it evaporates into low-pressure refrigerant water vapor. . Due to the low pressure in the evaporator, the low-temperature refrigerant water required by the production process or the refrigeration system can be obtained to achieve the purpose of refrigeration. For example, when the evaporator pressure is 872Pa, the evaporation temperature of the refrigerant water is 5°C, and the refrigerant water at 7°C can be obtained at this time.

The evaporated refrigerant vapor enters the absorber after being separated by the liquid baffle plate, and is absorbed by the intermediate solution pumped by the absorber and sprayed evenly on the surface of the absorption tube cluster, and the solution becomes thinner again. The intermediate solution is obtained by mixing the concentrated solution after exothermic cooling from the solution heat exchanger and the dilute solution in the absorber sac.
In order to ensure the continuous progress of the absorption process, the heat released in the absorption process needs to be taken away in time by the cooling water in the heat transfer tube. The intermediate solution absorbs a certain amount of water vapor and becomes a dilute solution, which accumulates in the liquid sac at the bottom of the absorber, and is pumped to the generator by the generator, and so on.

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