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What should I pay attention to when storing and freezing food in a small refrigerator?

Under normal circumstances, the temperature range of the freezer compartment of a small refrigerator is between -4 and -24 °C. The temperature of the freezer of a household refrigerator is generally around -18°C. At this temperature, the general bacteria will be inhibited or killed, so the food stored in it has a longer shelf life.
What should I pay attention to when storing and freezing food in a mini car refrigerators?
1. Hot food cannot be put into a running refrigerator.
2. The food should not be too full or too tight, and there should be a gap to facilitate the convection of cold air, reduce the load of the unit, prolong the service life and save electricity.
3. The food should not be mixed raw and cooked to maintain hygiene. According to the food storage time and temperature requirements, rational use of the space in the box.
4. Do not put food directly on the surface of the evaporator, but in a container, so as not to freeze on the evaporator and inconvenient to take out.
5. Fresh fish, meat and other foods cannot be put into the refrigerator without treatment. Fresh fish and meat should be packed in plastic bags and stored in the freezer. Vegetables and fruits should be dried with moisture on the outer surface, put under the box, and stored at a temperature above zero.
6. Do not put bottled liquid beverages in the freezer to avoid freezing and cracking the bottle. It should be placed in the refrigerator or on the door, and stored at a temperature of about 4 ℃.
7. The refrigerator for storing food should not store chemicals at the same time.
8. The traditional Chinese medicine decoction in airtight vacuum packaging should be stored within the range of 0°C-5°C in the refrigerator, and the storage time should be 7-14 days, not more than 7 days.

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