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How about the power consumption of the car refrigerator?

Usually, the power of a car refrigerator is around 55W, which is similar to a car navigation system. Summer is the peak period for the use of car refrigerators, and there is a lot of demand for refrigeration and freezing of refrigerators. In the autumn and winter seasons, the demand for use weakens, but the role of the car refrigerator is still irreplaceable. The biggest function of the car refrigerator is still to provide a "constant temperature" environment. This constant temperature environment means that the refrigerator items can always be kept at an optimal temperature, thereby extending the freshness or shelf life. From the power point of view, the power consumption is very low. According to the kilowatt-hour method, the power consumption per hour is about 0.05 degrees. Many people worry that the operation of car refrigerators will increase energy consumption and make cars more fuel-intensive. In fact, the car refrigerator does not have the side effect of "increasing energy consumption". In principle, when the car starts, the car refrigerator uses the electricity generated by the engine. Moreover, only the electricity generated by the normal driving of the car is enough for the car refrigerator.

Other similar questions: Will mini car refrigerators increase fuel consumption? Will the car refrigerator damage the battery? …… The answer is no doubt. Although the car refrigerator is relatively large, it is an electrical appliance with a power of only 50W and will not burden the car.

Moreover, there are currently two cooling methods for vehicle-mounted refrigerators, one is refrigeration by semiconductor refrigeration fins, and the other is refrigeration by compressors. Among them, the compressor refrigerated refrigerator has higher efficiency, fast refrigeration, and can realize freezing. Semiconductor refrigeration refrigerators have low refrigeration efficiency and slow refrigeration, which are only suitable for refrigeration and do not have the freezing function. The power of the semiconductor refrigerating refrigerator is about 50W, and the power of the compressor refrigerating refrigerator is about 55W.

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