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Do I need to turn off the power of the small refrigerator when I go out during the holiday?

Short-term suspension measures:

If you need to temporarily stop the mini car refrigerators, please unplug the power plug, take out the perishable food from the refrigerator, defrost the freezer, and then wipe it with a soft cloth dipped in a neutral deodorant or neutral detergent. Put it in the refrigerator and wash it with clean water and let it dry naturally.

Long-term deactivation measures:

(1) Remove the plug, take out all the food, and clean the inside and outside of the refrigerator with a neutral detergent.

(2) After the door seal is wiped with a soft cloth, it can be coated with talcum powder for maintenance, or a piece of white paper can be placed where the door seal is in contact with the door body.

(3) Adjust the thermostat to "0" or "stop" to keep the thermostat in its natural state and prolong its service life.

(4) Store the cleaned refrigerator in a dry, well-ventilated place away from heat sources. Be careful not to open the door, cover the refrigerator with a plastic bag or place heavy objects on it.

When reactivating a refrigerator that has not been used for a long time, you need to pay attention to two points:

(1) Check before use. If there is no problem, please clean the refrigerator first.

(2) When in use, start several times, connect the power supply, start a little, stop for 3-5 minutes, start again for 2-3 minutes, and repeat several times until the lubricant is heated.

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